What’s likely to be going on for you
Whether you’re suffering from long term (aka chronic) pain or you’ve only recently been experiencing the onset of acute symptoms, you’re finding the situation debilitating and you’re keen to find an effective solution.
Types of pain that might be relevant for you
・ Frozen shoulder
・ Arthritis or other joint conditions
・ Lower backache
・ Headaches
・ Muscle strains or spasms
・ Fibromyalgia: a condition causing muscle pain
・ Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
・ Whiplash

How acupuncture with Crispin might help relive your pain
There are numerous clinical studies which lend credence to the understanding that acupuncture can help resolve pain. Chinese Medicine, upon which acupuncture is founded, essentially sees pain as a blockage of the natural energy flow in the body caused by trauma.
Crispin has a long experience of using acupuncture to help people overcome pain and has helped many people move on from the debilitating and draining effects of both long term and and acute pain.
One of his first clinical experiences following from graduating from college was practicing at the NHS Gateway pain-management acupuncture clinic in Lambeth, and he continues to help many people in pain to this day.